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काठमाडौं: २२:०२ | Colorodo: 09:17

Boulder and Kathmandu Becomes Sister Cities

बिआरटीनेपाल २०८० माघ १२ गते १३:३७ मा प्रकाशित

Boulder, Colorado. On Thursday night, the Boulder City Council unanimously named Kathmandu a sister city by 7-0 votes. 

Boulder Mayor Aaron Brockett and Kathmandu Mayor Balen Shah signed the document reaffirming the Boulder-Kathmandu sister city relationship. Mayor Brockett announced the sister-city relationship in his Facebook post.

” We had a fruitful and productive meeting yesterday with Kathmandu’s dynamic Mayor Balen Shah,” he stated on Facebook, “we also signed documents reaffirming the Boulder-Kathmandu sister city relationship.” He further stated that they talked about the vibrant Nepalese-American community in Boulder and discussed future ways we can connect. “We also talked about the possibility of a Nepali cultural center in Boulder, and Mayor Shah generously offered assistance with the design and construction process. The future of our sister city relationship is bright.”

Mayor Brockett offered thanks to Narayan Shrestha, president of Helping Hands, for playing a role in establishing a sister-city relationship. “I have to offer enormous thanks to my good friend Narayan Shrestha for all of this,” he stated, “Without him, the sister city relationship would never have come to pass, and I would never have been able to make this journey.”


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