अमेरिकाबाट संचालित अनलाइन पत्रिका
काठमाडौं: ०७:५६ | Colorodo: 19:11

SEBS North America Celebrates 20 plus Years of Service

बिआरटीनेपाल २०८० साउन २४ गते १७:५५ मा प्रकाशित

Manassas, Virginia,  SEBS North America (SEBS NA) organized its reunion and annual general meeting to commemorate 20+ years of service to its members, Budhanilkantha School, the Nepali diaspora living in North America, and the communities in Nepal. The event also marked the celebration of Budhanilkantha School’s Golden Jubilee Year. More than 40 alums of Budhanilkantha School and their friends and families joined the event in person, while alums and other stakeholders from across the globe joined online.

The event was marked by the presence of Hom Acharya, Principal of Budhanilkantha School, Hemendra Bohora (978A) President of SEBS, former teachers, and other dignitaries like Suman Meher Shrestha (533A), Chair of the Alumni Building Committee, Alisha Pradha (8120C), Representative of BNKS Endowment Fund, Bimal Nepal (107A), Founding President of SEBS and Kiran Sitoula (268B), Founding President of SEBS North America. The outgoing executive committee presented its annual report detailing its initiatives and projects to support its members, Budhanilkantha School (BNKS), and the community. It included projects like SEBS NA’s collaboration with partner organizations like Antarikshya Pratisthan and Bloom Nepal Foundation, its e-library and educational initiatives, and monthly events like College Admissions Ka Kura (among others).

The event included other activities like BNKS trivia, networking, open mic, bingo, and sharing of memories. SEBS NA also organized the August session of the BNKS Memoirs – Samjhanaka Palharu event whereby former teachers of Budhanilkantha School – Mrs. Bidya Thapaliya, Mrs. Rekha Acharya, and Mrs. Manju Nirola – shared their memories from their time in Budhanilkantha School. Kiran Sitoula (200B) moderated the panel discussion.

SEBS North America also launched the Krishna Chhetri Memorial Fund in the memory of Late Krishna Chhetri (503B, Former President & Advisor) to honor his service to the organization. The fund aims to support Budhanilkantha School students in their education. The fund will be nurtured, managed, and stewarded by Krishna’s batchmates (500B) in close partnership with his family.

During the event, the outgoing executive committee led by Bharat Kandel (819B) handed over the baton to lead the organization to Laxman Udas Pandey (328B, President) and his incoming executive committee comprising of the following members: Babita Adhikari (8126D, Vice President), Ankit Bhattarai (8007D, Treasurer), Bharat Kandel (819B, IPP), Rajan Nepal (418B, IT Officer), Kaushal Sapkota (041C, General Secretary), Sunil Shrestha (868A), Batsal Devkota (532B), Prasesh Sharma (027B), Kanchan Ghimire (192D), Dikshya Devkota (139D), Supun Dahal (4051D), Sandip Acharya (4064D), and Diamond Acharya (6139D). The election committee comprising Rohan Benjankar, Sandhya Khanal, and Bigya Poudel facilitated the election and the handover to the new executive committee.

SEBS North America would like to thank everyone for their support in organizing the event and convey its best wishes to the incoming executive committee for its tenure.

About SEBS North America:
Established in July 2000 as a nonprofit organization, SEBS North America is a volunteer-based organization dedicated to assisting its members in North America, conducting social service programs in Nepal and North America, helping Budhanilkantha School to meet its educational objectives, and being an organization dedicated to better coordination and leadership in the North American Nepali diaspora.


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