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काठमाडौं: १२:४५ | Colorodo: 01:00

Hindus suggest the world to adopt Namaste as greeting during coronavirus outbreak

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७६ फागुन २४ गते ८:२७ मा प्रकाशित

Hindus want the world to adopt the ancient Namaste to greet each other to limit the transfer of bacteria and spread of coronavirus.

Namaste was much safer and respectable greeting alternative during coronavirus outbreak for social interaction than handshakes, friendly or cheek or air kisses, hugs, high-fives, fist bumps, etc.; distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed explained in Nevada (USA) today.

Normally, Namaste was uttered with hands pressed together, a slight bow, palms touching, fingers pointing upwards, thumbs near the chest. The Namaste gesture might be achieved wordlessly or might also be spoken without a gesture; Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, stated.

Rajan Zed indicated that Namaste, which roughly meant “I bow to you”, seemed to be the perfect way of greeting to avoid the coronavirus. Abstaining from all contact was the safest way to steer clear of transmission, and Namaste offered exactly that.

Moreover, multi-purpose Namaste, a symbol of gratitude and respect, could be used as greeting at both arrival and departure/goodbyes. Namaste showcased courtesy, politeness, hospitality, honor, etc.; Zed noted.

Namaste, derived from Sanskrit, found mention in Rig-Veda, world’s oldest extant scripture; and excavations from Indus Valley Civilization revealed many terracotta figures in Namaste posture; Rajan Zed added.
