अमेरिकाबाट संचालित अनलाइन पत्रिका
काठमाडौं: ०६:११ | Colorodo: 18:26

Assajita Awale got reelected for National NCC President of Thailand

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७६ भदौ ८ गते १४:१६ मा प्रकाशित

Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) Thailand’s General Assembly has been concluded electing the new leadership for next two years last Sunday. General Assembly has unanimously elected Khagendra Dhakal for International Coordination Council (ICC) Member for second term whereas Assajita Awale got reelected for National Coordination Council (NCC) President. 

In the new team of NCC Thailand, Mahendra Shrestha, Bhabindra Basnet, Sangkar Adikari, Kanchha Gurung and Prem Datta Danai are elected for Vice President whereas Rabi Maharjan for General Secretary, Atish Shrestha for Treasurer, Shreehari Acharya for Secretary, Megha Chand for Women Coordinator, Subash Thapa for Youth Coordinator, Niraj Baidya, Ram Kee, Dilli Gyawali, Suraj Bhandari were elected for Executive Members of NCC. At the same occasion, the newly elected committee had appointed Barun Amatya as the spokesperson of NRNA Thailand.

The program began with the blessings from Venerable Anil Man Sakya, the reverend monk in the Kingdom of Thailand who is also a patron of NRNA Thailand. He advised NRNA Thailand to respond to the Nepali concerns in timely manner demanding the efficiency in tackling community issues.

Addressing the General Assembly of NRNA Thailand Nepal’s Ambassador H.E. Ganesh Prasad Dhakal expressed his interest to work with NRNA Thailand for Nepal’s economic diplomacy more effective ways. He pointed that NRNA Thailand GA gave an impression of the assembly of all Nepali living in Thailand rather than the assembly of an organization.

The representative of Culture Ministry of Thailand Miss Ploy Yamapaywon appreciated the NRNA Thailand’s activities which has expanded the relationship between Thailand and Nepal from people level. She also recalled the Thailand’s Princess, Culture Minister, Foreign Minister and high-level dignitaries’ participation in past Nepal events organized by NRNA Thailand and expressed her interest to continue such cooperation in the future too.

Addressing the General Assembly NRNA ICC Member and former President of NRNA Thailand Khagendra Dhakal called upon all NRNs in Thailand to unite and work in the guardianship of Nepal Embassy and generations old Nepali community based in Thailand better known as ‘Pilokes’ for the effective outcomes.

Speaking at the General Assembly, NCC president Awale informed that NRNA Thailand responded to the many community issues and worked with Embassy of Nepal to promote Nepal’s tourism.

The election program of the NRNA Thailand was conducted by 3-member Election Commission which consisted of Sharad Neupane, Ananta Sharama and Bishwa Tiwari. The commission had started the election process one week prior to the general assembly.

During the open session of General Assembly, Nepal Policy Institute (NPI), the Global think-tank of NRNA ICC, had conducted a plenary session on ‘Interdependency for Sufficiency: Nepal’s Evolving Pathways”. Prof. Shobhakar Dhakal (AIT), Assoc. Prof. Anil Anal (AIT), Dr. Binod Chapagain (USAID), Khagendra Dhakal (NPI/King Mongkut’s University of Technology) presented on different aspects of the theme of the plenary where Nepal Ambassador Ganesh Prasad Dhakal addressed the plenary as a guest speaker. NPI Executive Member Sharad Neupane had moderated the plenary session.

AIT Nepal Samaj, Webster University Nepali Samaj, Kirat Samaj had presented many cultural performances at the General Assembly.

NRNA Thailand South Region Coordination Committee (SRCC) and Central Region Coordination Committee (CRCC) representatives had attended the General Assembly.

General Secretary Rabi Maharjan and Treasurer Kanchha Gurung had respectively presented progress report and finance report of the past two years. Former President of NRNA Thailand Manoj Rana, Patron David Khanal and other local community organizations had extended their best wishes for the assembly. Similarly, Vice President Bhabindra Basnet had delivered the welcome speech and Women Coordinator Megha Chand had conducted the entire program.

The main sponsor of the one day run assembly was Webster University of Thailand whereas many individuals had financially contributed to support the event
