अमेरिकाबाट संचालित अनलाइन पत्रिका
काठमाडौं: ०६:०४ | Colorodo: 18:19

Young Entrepreneurs Summit Women Extended Workshop

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७६ साउन १६ गते १४:४७ मा प्रकाशित

Young Entrepreneurs’ Summit – Women (YESW) was conducted on 1st March 2019, had a session where different parallel workshops were conducted for an hour with various knowledge partners.

We got a very positive response and interest for the workshops from the participants. Motivated from the feedback and entailing the vision of “Empowering Positive Business Thinking”, and its 4 core values: “Growth with Shared Vision”, “Hunger for Learning”, “Nation First” and “Make a Mark Nepal”, Nepalese Young Entrepreneurs’ Forum (NYEF) developed a series of session on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and was decided to run a YESW- Workshop for 7days from 21st July to 28th July, 2019.

Where we jointly involved Ecosystem Experts/Resource Person from Karkhana, Communitere, Ads Market Pvt Ltd, Jaguar Investments, Act 360, Abhinawa Law Chambers along with Antarprerana representing 7 major sectors, particularly – Education, Incubation, Investment, New Venture Creation, intellectual properties and franchise, SEO BASIC and Digital Marketing. The workshops were participated by 70 students, entrepreneurs, professional and inspiring entrepreneur, objective of which was reaching out to entrepreneurial ecosystem stakeholder combing the recourses and expertise to jointly contribute to the ecosystem was a great success. YESW workshop was supported by Laxmi Bank.
