अमेरिकाबाट संचालित अनलाइन पत्रिका
काठमाडौं: ०६:२४ | Colorodo: 18:39

National Banking Institute (NBI) has signed MoU with Aflatoun International

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७६ असार ६ गते ८:२५ मा प्रकाशित

National Banking Institute (NBI) has signed MoU with “Aflatoun International” a Netherlands based NGO based on 19th June 2019 on the occasion of a conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa. The agreement was signed between the CEO of NBI and Aflatoun International, Mr. Sanjib Subba and Mr. Roeland Monasch respectively. With this MoU NBI now has access to rich repository of financial literacy tools developed by Aflatoun. The overall objectives of the MoU is to organize social and financial education for children and young people through partnership in planning, implementing and developing collaboration for advocacy, stakeholder engagement and development of social and financial education.

Netherland based Aflatoun is a global leader in Financial Literacy curriculum development since its inception in 1991, Mumbai, India. Aflatoun International is offering social and financial education to children and young people worldwide. Through a strong network of 275 partners and 35 governments, the organization reaches and teaches over 8.6 million children and young people each year in more than 100 countries. Aflatoun International creates high-quality curricula, for different age groups, which can be contextualized to local needs or specific circumstances.

Aflatoun also has close ties with Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI), Amsterdam, the organizer of Global Money Week, an annual financial awareness campaign build to inspire children and young people to learn about money matters, livelihood and entrepreneurship. Also with its partnership with thousands of organization in over 170 countries including banks, government and NGOs have been working together to create policies and programs enabling the youth and children to learn about access to finance.

With this collaboration NBI expects to extend its reach in Financial Literacy for Nepal through advocacy and communication, development of curriculum and training materials, technical assistance and learning research, monitoring and evaluation. 
