अमेरिकाबाट संचालित अनलाइन पत्रिका
काठमाडौं: ०५:५९ | Colorodo: 18:14

Deadline Approaching: NRNA USA Youth Leadership Scholarship Applications. May 15

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७६ वैशाख २७ गते ६:४८ मा प्रकाशित

This is a reminder: The deadline for student applications for 2nd annual Youth Leadership Scholarship Award (YLSA) is May 15, 2019.

YLSA intends to encourage and promote student leadership and community engagement. This $1000 cash award is awarded to 4 individual from 4 different regions of USA during academic year.

Applicants must be a legal resident (US citizen, permanent resident, TPS or F1 student) enrolled as full time student in a community college or a 4-year college/university in US and have a minimum GPA of 3.25 with at least 30 college credit hours completed towards their degree. An independent selection committee will evaluate received applications based on applicant’s academic standing, leadership, recommendations, and personal statement. Dr. Niroj Basnet, Kushal Pokhrel, Dr. Suman Satyal, and Dr. Siroj Pokharel are in this esteemed Committee.

Swaraj Khati, National Youth Coordinator and Program Chair says the year 2018 was a tremendous success and there were lessons learnt. Changes towards program policies have been made to better serve student community. “By reviewing submitted applications and personal statements we are hoping students connect their academic & leadership journey with the program mission”, Khati said. This year community college students will also be able to apply for YLSA award. Nilima Bade Shrestha, Sulav Poudel, Prakash Basnet, and Suman Karki are other members in the Scholarship Committee.

For further detailed information on Eligibility and to apply, please go to: http://bit.ly/scholarship_2019
