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Nepali National Convention Chicago IL 2018 Update

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७५ जेठ २८ गते २२:२२ मा प्रकाशित

Update information by Dr. Diwakar Dahal

The convention is named as “Nepali National Convention 2018” and being hosted by Association of Nepalese in Mid-West America (ANMA), Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) and Association of Nepalese in the Americas (ANA) and other local Nepalese organizations on Labor Day weekend (Aug 31 -Sept 2) 2018 at Hilton Rosemont/Chicago O’Hare, IL, USA.

The MOU has already been signed by ANMA, NASeA and ANA president on behalf of their respective organizations. Earlier, ANMA, NASeA and ANA Joint Commission was formed with a concept of bringing more community organizations into the same platform and organize a national convention by extending to other location organizations. Joint commission request was endorsed by all three host organizations and decided to make National Convention in Chicago.

The Nepali National Convention 2018 has dedicated herself to the Nepalese American Community with the theme being “Unity for Nepalese Community”. The goal of this National Convention is to bring and unite together hundreds of key Regional, State, community organizations and its potential members of the Nepali Americans from across the US as well as from Canada. The invitation letters will be send to most of the Community organization within our limitation.

We are planning to discuss wide range of issues including promoting Nepali culture and tourism in USA, Immigration, Job and Investments, Healthcare, Technology, and Leadership development within our capacity.

We are inviting various dignitaries from the State, County, City and officials as well as leaders from Nepalese community organizations in the State as well as from Nepal. Non-Nepalese Organizations Presidents together with Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders leaders and community members will also be invited.

Convention Core Committee is formed by bringing representatives of each of three host organizations and few other local organizations, which has the authority to make final decisions on convention related issues.

Convention Advisory Board also formed to facilitate the convention preparation.

Similarly, several convention committees are structured to make convention programs such as Program committee, IT and Registration Committee, Media and Public Relation Committee, Women Committee, Sport Committee, Cultural Committee, Food Committee, Publication Committee, Academic Diaspora Committee, Youth and Children Committee, Concert Committee, Fund Raise Committee, Essay and Literature Committee, Finance Committee, Job and Investment Committee, Emergency Management Committee.

Convention Registration is opened online including the venue hotel reservation link in our convention web page which will be updated regularly with new information.

Convention web page link: http://nepalinationalconvention.org/

Facebook page “Nepali National Convention 2018” is also created to communicate with community organizations and interested individuals.

All the interested individuals and organization are very welcomed with their questions, concerns and can contact following individuals

Mr. Bala Ghimire, Convention Chair/ANMA President
Email: ghimireb2018@gmail.com Phone: 773-710-3795

Mr. Madhav Dhakal, NASeA President
Email: md_dhakal@yahoo.com Phone: 336-471-4709

Mr. Medini Adhikari, ANA President
Email: adhikarimedini@gmail.com Phone: 703-501-3875

Dr. Diwakar Dahal, ANMA acting GS/Convention Secretary
Email: diwakardahal@gmail.com Phone: 573-529-3162
