अमेरिकाबाट संचालित अनलाइन पत्रिका
काठमाडौं: ०१:११
| Colorodo: 13:26
Humla, Nepal Teachers Association’s seventh district convention concluded here on Thursday electing a 22 – member new leadership.
The convention elected Hari Prasad Jaisi as its new Chairman with Dal Bahadur Aidi as Vice Chairman, Hira Bohara as Vice Chairperson from women’s quota, Bir Bahadur Rawal as Treasurer and Nirmala Sunar as Joint Treasurer.
Other elected officials include Bhakta Thapa in Secretary and Laxmi Kumari Kandel in Joint Secretary, according to immediate past Chairman, Amar Bahadur Shahi. Seven representatives each from seven rural municipalities took part in the convention which lasted for two days. The convention has also chosen four representatives for the general convention.