अमेरिकाबाट संचालित अनलाइन पत्रिका
काठमाडौं: २०:२६ | Colorodo: 08:41

Chandragiri one out of many Safest Tourism Destinations in the Country – Tourism Minister Adhikari

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७४ चैत ८ गते १२:४६ मा प्रकाशित

Kathmandu,  Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Hon’ble Mr. Rabindra Adhikari has made a visit to Chandragiri Hills on Wednesday 21st March 2018. Hon’ble Minister Mr. Adhikari was welcomed by the Chairman of Chandragiri Hills Ltd. Mr. Chandra Prasad Dhakal, along with the Directors and General Manager to Chandragiri Hills.

During the visit, Hon’ble Minister spoke to the media person and mentioned that the government should take the responsibility for the development of the tourism infrastructures like road connectivity, airport etc. Government and private sectors should go in partnership to encourage the development of domestic tourism products. He also emphasized that only after the government support to the private sectors; the destinations like Chandragiri Hills can be beneficial to the nation’s economy. 

In upcoming Tourism Year 2020, government has set a target to bring 15 lakhs tourist in Nepal where the government will take the full responsibility to facilitate the safety and security of the tourism infrastructures in Nepal. He made his remark that Chandragiri Hills and the other entire tourist destinations in Nepal are safe to visit.

Mr. Dhakal Chairman of Chandragiri Hills Ltd. and Vice President of FNCCI thanked the newly elected Minister for his visit and appreciated the word of encouragement given by him to motivate the team of Chandragiri Hills Ltd.
