अमेरिकाबाट संचालित अनलाइन पत्रिका
काठमाडौं: ०७:०२ | Colorodo: 19:17

Palpa to have Rs 100 million Ram Janaki Temple

Rampur, Palpa, (RSS) २०७४ पुष १ गते २०:३२ मा प्रकाशित

Construction of Ram Janaki Temple is underway. The Rs 100 million project aims to conserve and protect historical and religious importance of Ramchulo, which has a religious and mythological significance.

According to a myth, in Treta Yuga God Rama on the way to his journey of 14 years of exile had taken a rest at now Bejhad bazaar in Rampur Municipality-5 and had his meal by making an oven built with three stones. As a result, the place was named Ramchulo later on.

Along with the two-storey temple, other two buildings will also be constructed, said the Ram Janaki Temple Council Conservation Committee, Rampur Chairperson Phanenshwor Gautam.

Local people and concerned authorities have provided the construction amounts. More than Rs 20 million that was collected from a Shrimad Bhagvat Gyuan Mahayagya held in 2071 B.S. in the district, goes to the construction help. (File photo)
