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Nepali Lion legend IPID Sanjaya Khetan honored in California

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७४ असोज १२ गते ४:५७ मा प्रकाशित

The first International Director of Nepal and the immediate Past Membership Chair of Lions International Sanjay Khetan has been warmly welcomed in California and honored by District 4C3 yesterday on September 25, 2017 at Berkeley California USA. The reception program was hosted by newly chartered lions club of District 4C3 supported by other Nepalese lions’ clubs in Bay area. Charter President of the organizing club Nirmal chaired chaired the program whereas IPID Sanjaya Khetan was the chief guest.

Important Lion dignitaries attended the function including District Governor of 4C3 Lion Rajen Thapa, 1st VDC Skip Jender 2nd VDG ….PFG /PCC Denny Grotrain, PDG Linda Griffin, PDG Gary Wong, PDG Don Kiang, Zone chair Laxmi Chaudhary and Lion Tamer of District 4C3 Lion Hema Paneru were present on the occasion. Charter Secretary and Past President of Lions Club of Berkeley Annapurna and past zone chair and current Guiding Lion of District 4C3 Lion Mani Nepal led the invocation whereas past president of the same club and Zone chair of District 4C3 Lion Laxmi Chaudhary led the pledge of allegiance. The national anthem of Nepal and USA were played in the occasion. 

The Chief guest Sanjaya Khetan gave a very interesting and meaningful speech. He said creativity is pursuing impossible. He said one has to be mad to be successful, madly at mission toiling day and night will make impossible dreams come true. District Governor of District 4C3 Lion Rajen Thapa and PCC of MD4 Lion Denny Grotrian spoke on the multi-dimensional personalities of chief guest Khetan. Er. Khetan has been like a legend not only in the Nepalese Lions world but in the international arena who gave 100 new clubs to the International President Chancellor Bob Corlew as a gift.

He undertook the responsibility of Membership Chair of Lions International. A historical growth in lions membership was observed during his tenure. As an honor to his hard work, Er. Lion Khetan was appointed as chair of Specialty clubs of LCI. Specialty clubs are nontraditional clubs that focusses, ethnicity, professionalism and various interest groups. Speciality Chair Er. Lion Khetan and Coordinator of USA/Canada specialty clubs DG Lion Rajen Thapa are confident that specialty clubs will bring new color, energy and growth in LCI world. PDG Lion Linda Griffin and Cabinet Secretary Lion Al Satake also spoke on the occasion. 

Charter Presidents of various Nirmal Phnuyal, Sunil Rajkarnikar, Shyam Shrestha, Narayan Somname and new members were honored with Internal president’s certificates and pins and district governor pins. The organizing club Lions Club of Berkeley Laligurans Family was honored by the district for taking initiative to host this historical program. There was great cultural performance by Ashmita and Azilia Phnuyal as well as famous singer Pramoda Kharel. The program was followed by dinner. The participants remarked that this was an program with education entertainment and fellowship. 
