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काठमाडौं: १४:५७ | Colorodo: 03:12

DACA Rescinded: Keeps Threats for Thousands of Young Undocumented Immigrants

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७४ भदौ २० गते १७:२१ मा प्रकाशित

The President Trump is ending up the Obama administration’s most popular Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that protects young undocumented immigrants. This new action of President Trump will affect about 800,000 undocumented immigrants who have been protected for their deportation as they entered the USA in their childhoods with their parents.

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced that the Trump administration has directed the Department of Homelands Security (DHS) to stop receiving the new applications under the DACA provisions. The congress may act within 6 months about the future of DACA program whether the young immigrants being protected under DACA will be continued their legal status after March , 5, 2018 of not. Right after the Attorney General’s announcement, protesters and human rights activists have gathered in front of the White House to show up their concerns in favor of the DACA and against the President’s actions to end the protections from deportation of undocumented immigrants under the DACA program.

Some of the House GOP leaders are not happy with the Trump Administration’s actions on DACA. They have reacted in the twitter right after the Jeff Sessions’s announcement today.

The GOP Rep. Dave Reichert twitted— “Punishing individuals for a crime they did not commit is not in the American DNA”

Similarly, Rep. Don Bacon twitted— “I want to let those who are scared and uncertain know that I am committed to keeping law-abiding DACA recipients in the United States”.

Sen. John McCain has issued a separate statement on Trump administration’s new actions on DACA — “I believe that rescinding DACA at this time is an unacceptable reversal of the promises and opportunities that have been conferred to these individuals.”

Democrats have reacted furiously on President Trump’s actions and appeared with their immediate opinions in the twitter. The House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has blasted in her twits against the Trump’s policy like— “Trump’s cowardice is on full display today. His cruelty must not stand!”

Similarly, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer twitted: “Americans know how heartless ending DACA is.”
