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Norvic Celebrates its 24th Anniversary amidst a variety of Programme

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७४ वैशाख ९ गते ७:२६ मा प्रकाशित

Press Release
Norvic Celebrates its 24th Anniversary amidst a variety of Programme

Kathmandu, April 22, 2017.
Norvic International Hospital has celebrated its 24th anniversary amidst a variety of programme in Kathmandu today.

Established in 1993 as a 30 bedded nursing home, it has now transformed itself as one of the multispecialty hospital of international repute.

The anniversary function was inaugurated by the Chief Guest of the programme, Rt. Hon’ble Vice President, Nanda Bahadur Pun by lighting the panas. Before the inauguration, Megha Chaudhary Shakya, Managing Director at Norvic welcomed the guests in the function. She highlighted some of the future plans of the hospital.
Under the technical tie up of Norvic-Fortis advantage, the Sr. Vice President of Fortis Group of Hospitals, Mr. Sunil Kapoor expressed his gratitude for being able to establish a technical affiliation with Norvic. Under this arrangement, 99% of the Nepalese patient needing expert medical care will be treated at Norvic itself instead of taking them to India or elsewhere. This arrangement will greatly benefit Nepalese critical patients, said Mr. Kapoor.

Guest of Honour to the function, member of the national planning commission, Prof. Dr. Geeta Bhakta Joshi felicitated some of the noted staffs completing their long service at Norvic. He also felicitated some of the outstanding staffs including the best judged head of department and best employees of the year. He gave away certificate of appreciation to the outstanding employees.

While speaking in the function followed by award distribution, Prof. Dr. Geeta Bhakta Joshi said private sector hospitals including Norvic have greatly contributed in meeting government’s new millennium target in terms of Health care.

While addressing the function, Chairman of the hospital, Mr. Bansant Chaudhary highlighted the vision 2022 of the hospital. The vision, that is divided into two phase emphasizes on total revamping and infrastructural development of the hospital making it a 200 bedded one. Out of 200 beds, the number of critical care beds will be 50, private beds will be 60, general beds will be 90, emergency beds will be 20 and addition of five ultra modern modular operating suites making the total 8 operating suites.

As per the vision, Norvic will also develope a number medical faculties into super specialized faculties. Those to be upgraded into Super Specialty Centres include Cardiology Centre, Digestive Disease Centre, Highly Specialized Mother & Child Care Centre, IVF Centre, Pulmonary & Critical Care Centre, Trauma Care Centre with a helipad facility.

Total built up area will be 1,32,000 sq. ft. The hospital will be investing NRs. 1,500 million to set up a highly specialized cancer centre and a Mother & Child Care wing. The new facilities to be set up at a separate location, shall entail an addition of 200 beds.

The mother & child centre will be managed and run completely by women expertise only.
Mr. Chaudhary also pledges to make Nepal a better health care destination and shed light on the hospital’s vivid achievements / milestones and development plans for immediate future. He further added that the hospital will add the latest version of diagnotic equipment soon. He also reiterated his commitment to further upgrade Norvic’s medical services with cutting edge technology.

The function was concluded with the vote of thanks from the Hospital’s Executive Director, Mr. Rajendra Bahadur Singh.

R. P. Mainali
DGM – Corporate Communications
Norvic International Hospital
Tel.: 4248020 (Direct), 4258554, 4218230,
Mob: 9801247024 / 9841733633
E-mail: rp.mainali@norvichospital.com


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