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काठमाडौं: १८:२७ | Colorodo: 06:42

Blood Drive, A Lifesaving Event Of NAH

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७३ चैत २७ गते १९:४० मा प्रकाशित

BRTNEPAL Representative, Houston
Nepalese Association of Houston (NAH) has successfully organized a blood donation on April 8, 2017 in collaboration with Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center (www.giveblood.org) in Houston. As of Ms. Prashanti Pandit, the coordinator for the blood drive event, altogether 44 donors, mostly from Nepalese community residing in Houston have donated their blood. “This is the lifesaving event that we have been organizing for last couples of years on the occasion of Nepalese New Year and Nepal Day”, Jyoti Ghimiray, the President of NAH shared his happiness by starting the blood drive through his donation. Mr. Ghimiray is a veteran blood donor since he had already donated for more than 50 times here in USA only. Similarly, Nabin Gautam, a young blood donor was also seen in the que who have already recorded for 41 times was quite enthusiastic to reach 100 times soon as he is a regular donor since 2008. The well-known Nepalese entrepreneurs, NAH (www.nahtx.org) officials, and community volunteers from the Nepalese community have also donated their blood today as part of their community services. Most of the NAH executives including Madhukar Amatya, Vishnu Nepal, Sameer Rawal, Drona Gautam, and Bachcha Tiwari were in the blood donors’ list. 

Julio Velazquez, the blood drive supervisor has expressed his proudness for being a part of ‘commit for life’ mission of the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center (GCRBC). GCRBC is the leading blood centers in Houston for managing the more than 700-unit blood every day in Houston through its various blood drive events conducted in Houston in coordination with charitable organizations, schools and churches, etc. GCRBC is thankful to NAH and its members for organizing the blood donations and saving the lives of many needy people. 

Besides, Vcare Community Clinic, a Houston based non-profit organization has conducted the rapid blood sugar test, and blood pressure checkup for the blood donors and their accompanying family and friends with no cost. Vcare (www.vcareclinics.org) is serving the people in Houston since 2012 through their three different clinics located in Houston, Pasadena and Carrollton Texas. “The clinic is focused to the uninsured and low-income individuals and families in Houston and surroundings offering free medical and dental services for children under 21 years of age”, Drona Gautam, Executive Officer of Vcare told this reporter. He further added that Vcare is providing the subsidized medical and dental services for men and women of low income categories.

 (Photo Features)


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