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NASeA Talk Session: Trump’s Immigration Policy and how it affects Nepali Community with Attorney at Law Khagendra Chhetry

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७३ माघ २७ गते २२:४८ मा प्रकाशित

Nepal Forum of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA)

Extends a cordial invitation to the Monthly Talk Session with Attorney at Law Khagendra GC, Former President of NRN NCC of USA
Theme: Trump’s Immigration Policy and how it affects Nepali Community

Day: Sunday, February 12, 2017 Time: 11 AM EST
Mode: Conference Call
Dial – 712-432-0385
Code: 139004#

On behalf of ‘Nepal Forum’ of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA), I take this pleasure to invite you all in NASeA Talk Session on the topic of Trump’s Immigration Policy and how it affects Nepali Community. As we all have recently heard a lot of concern regarding the new US immigration status. It’s a fact that Nepal is not in the Red Flag but it has been a talk of the town that going forward does this really impact the other nation and nationality around the globe.

Though we don’t have any obvious reason to worry but the notions and rhetoric of new era aftermath of Obama, it is very important to be safe, secured, and well-informed regarding the new US Immigration updates to us and our family members.

Furthermore, what will be the Temporary Protective Status (TPS) will look like in current context. Please be advised to attend this time-relevant talk session by our immigration related Attorney at Law Khagendra Gharty Chhetry on Sunday, February, 12, 2017 at 11 AM EST.

Host: Nepal Forum of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA)
Theme: Trump’s Immigration Policy and how it affects Nepali Community

Day: Sunday, February 12, 2017 Time: 11 AM EST
Mode: Conference Call
Dial – 712-432-0385
Code: 139004#

Speaker: Attorney at Law Khagendra GC (Presentation will be followed by Question and Answers)
Welcome/Opening Remarks: Bimal Nepal   President,  NASeA
Moderator: Gajendra Aryal, Chair, Nepal Forum, NASeA
Facilitator : Shiva Bista, General Secretary, NASeA

Once again, looking forward welcoming you all in this important talk session.

With Respect,
Gajendra Aryal
Chair, Nepal Forum, NASeA
Executive Member, NASeA

CV of Khagendra Gharty Chhetry

Juris Doctor, Fordham University, School of Law, New York, NY


Member: Fordham Entertainment, Media & Intellectual Property
Law Journal; Finalist: Marks, Murase & White Fellowships and The I. Maurice Wormer Moot Court Competition
Award: Fordham Public Interest Law Award.
LL.M., Columbia University, School of Law 1986, New York, NY.

Academy of International and Comparative Law, Southwestern Legal Foundation, University of Texas at Dallas.

LL.B, Tribhuvan University, Institute of Law, Kathmandu, Nepal.

03/81- Admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Nepal.
12/87- Admitted to practice law in the State of New York- First Nepali to become a member of an American Bar.
8/94 to Present: President and Managing Partner: Chherty & Associates, P.C., New York; Involved in general practice of law including all aspects of immigration and nationality law and trial work, real-estate closing, civil litigation, landlord-tenant, represented small and medium size corporations and individual clients, handled federal appeals with successful reported cases, criminal, business closing and bankruptcy, matrimonial and personal injury cases representing clients with a proven track records of over 20 years.
11/91-93 Assistant General Counsel: New York City Commission on Human Rights, New York; Reviewed and wrote decisions on appeal taken from Administrative Law Judges’ decisions and advised Commissioners on civil rights law and other legal matters of the agency.
6/90 Representative of the Constitution Recommendations Commission of Nepal to the United States; Organized the New Constitution of Nepal Conference at Columbia Law School, New York, on July 27-28, 1990, in which top U.S. constitution law experts and professors participated; also responsible for seeking opinions from constitutional law experts and scholars.
6/86 Law Clerk: NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, New York, NY; Assisted attorneys in trial preparation, worked for the Director-Counsel, wrote memoranda and conducted research on issues relating to school desegregation, racial discrimination, voting rights and death penalty cases.
8/83. Assistant Lecturer in Law: Tribhuvan University, Institution of Law, Nepal; Taught property and international laws.


American Bar Association; New York Bar Association; Nepal Bar Association, Nepal; Indo-American Lawyers Association, New York.
Affiliations: Coordinator, Nepali Public Relation Committee USA; Board Member of America Nepal Medical Foundation; Past President Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights in Nepal-1989-1991 ; President, Nepal Center; and currently serving as Board Member and advisory member in various non-profit organizations and other Nepali organizations in USA. Immediate Past President NRN-NCC of USA.
