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San Francisco Bay area based Nepalese Lions Clubs team up for multi Sports Festival.

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७३ पुष १ गते २३:३१ मा प्रकाशित

Berkeley, Friday, December 16, 2016 Nepalese community based Lions Clubs in Bay Area (Lions Club of Fremont Sagarmatha, Lions Club of Berkeley Annapurna, Lions Club of Berkeley Makalu, Lions Club of San Leandro Manakamana, Lions Club of San Francisco Buddha) are collectively hosting first Multi Sports Festival in greater San Francisco Bay area on January 14th and 15th 2017.

Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. Its 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs are serving communities in 207 countries and geographical areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired, championed youth initiatives and strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects. Lions Clubs International is celebrating hundred years of service, there are various interest and like minded clubs under the banner of Lions Clubs International. There are clubs for veterans, environmentalists, snowmobile fans, professional women and people with shared ethnic background. There is a ballroom-dancing club in Hawaii. And there are cyber clubs that meet and conduct club business primarily online, with members logging in from around the world.
With the same motto and interest, Bay Area Nepalese Lions clubs are also growing in numbers and their service projects, especially working for the benefit and strengthening Nepalese speaking community living in this area. The Multi Sports festival is also a part of the clubs working together to bringing service awareness through sports.

On behalf of the organizing committee, Lion Gagan Pandey has cordially invited all the participants and make this event a grand success.

In his latest press release he said, “Through this event, the host clubs would like to inspire our community to inherit sports in our daily lives and motivate them to maintain a healthy life style. This event is being organized to promote and support Nepalese community for charitable and welfare activities giving back to community by serving humanity.” Last year Lions Club of Fremont Sagarmatha successfully organized a soccer tournament and it was a roaring success. With the collaboration of other four lions clubs, we believe that the event will be a successful one. The theme of the sports festival is “We Serve Better When United”.
This sports festival includes soccer tournament, volley ball tournament, cricket tournament, individual table tennis tournament as well as cultural evening with prize distribution ceremony.
The events’ details are as follows:

Registration fees for Soccer tournament is $650 and prizes are as follows, winner $4000, Runner $2000 and third place $650. Registration for Volleyball tournament is $500 and prizes for the winner $3000, Runner up $1500 and third place$500. Similarly, for the Cricket Tournament registration fee is $550, and the prizes are as follows; first place $1500, second place $550 and for the Table tennis registration is only $50 and the prizes would be $500, $250 and $100 respectively.

After the Multi Sports festival there would be Cultural Program followed by Prize distributions on Jan 15th 2017, 7pm onward.

The locations for the tournaments are as follows:
Soccer Tournament: Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Center, Morgan Hill, CA; 16500 Condit Rd, Morgan Hill, Ca-95037
Volleyball/ Table tennis: Ohlone College Fremont; 43600 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA-94539
Cricket: Hubbard Ground, San Jose/ Central park Cricket Turf, Fremont (Under Lights)

For any tournament related questions, please contact the following individuals, Gagan Pandey – (408) 582-8348 , Harihar Dahal – (650) 483-9127, Lena Piya – (510) 589-0232, Vice-President of Bhutanese American Sports Council-Uttam Gurung-(510) 502-1789:

For Soccer Registration/Questions contact: Subash Thapa (510)439-8991, Dharmendra KC-(408)685-1901
For Volleyball Registration/Questions: Surendra Malla – (510) 485-4314 and Rajan Bartaula – (650) 455-4197
For Cricket Registration/Questions please contact Kabindra Singh-(650)336-3332 and Gagan Pandey-(408)582-8348
Similarly for Table Tennis Registration/Questions please call Nuren Baral –(510) 375-6886 and Rahul Dhami-(256)394-3613;

For Cultural Program/Prize distribution please contact Bindu Sapkota-(408)784-5051, Pradip Raj Gotame-(510) 294-8019, Shankar Karki-(510) 943-7117, Gopal Basnet- (510) 837-5135
For any tournament related queries, you can also contact the respective Clubs’ Presidents at: President Of Lions Club Of Berkeley Annapurna -Manil Babu Shrestha- (510) 621-8406 , Fremont Sagarmatha-Santosh Giri- (408) 685-1778, Berkeley Makalu –Manohara Thapa Bogati- (510) 620-4477, San Leandro Manakamana –Chandra Dhital- (415) 828-6049 and San Francisco Buddha –Prakash Lama- (650) 996-7618

Please visit us at Facebook page ‘Bay Area Nepalese Lions and www.berkeleyannapurna.org for latest updates and tournament information. We can be reached through email at lionsbanc@gmail.com.
